Story Of My Life
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Desperate for inspiration, Hazel impulse-buys a historic home online and flees Manhattan to tiny Story Lake, PA. Upon her dramatic arrival - involving an incident with a bald eagle - she discovers the charm of her new home may have been slightly exaggerated.
The house is a wreck and the town is struggling after their biggest employer shut down. Also, since her raccoon-infested home came with a seat on the town council our introverted heroine is stuck with a front row seat to all the small-town shenanigans.
But Hazel isn't worried. Not since all six-feet-three inches of grouchy contractor Campbell Bishop slapped a bandage on her forehead and unintentionally inspired the heck out of her. There's only one thing to do: Hire Cam and his equally gorgeous brothers to renovate her new spider museum ... er ... house.
Okay, two things. A fake date for 'research purposes' will really put her work-in-progress on track. Before Hazel knows it, she's writing a romance novel and living one. At least until the drywall dust settles, the town she's falling in love with faces bankruptcy and growly Cam remembers why he can't live happily ever after.
Score Lucy
Rok wydania:
Literatura obcojęzyczna